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Expand Your Bookshelf!

When I first started writing back in 2016, I would have never guessed that I’d be sitting here having published my first book. Writing has led to some incredibly challenging yet fabulously rewarding experiences. Check out some of my featured titles below.

Books: Recent Books
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25th February 2020

Genres: Action-Adventure, Mystery, YA Fiction, Fantasy, Crime Thriller, Psychological Suspense.

"Let the Lightning Engulf you”

15-year-old Alexander Charon embarks on his journey at a new school as he struggles to form bonds and relationships with those around him. He begins to unravel his hidden talents, forcing his life to take an ​unexpected turn as he witnesses the murder and kidnapping of his friends. He must use his newly found skills to solve mysteries and protect those he cares for before ​it's too late. Can Alex rise up as he attempts to persevere against adversities? ​ Or will he fall into despair as hope dwindles with each new obstacle?

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